

An enchanting sailing voyage from paradise to paradise

Home > Upcoming Voyages > Maldives – Mauritius
€ 2.970

The Route

When you leave the harbor of Malé in the morning of January 4, you’ll have a breathtaking view of turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and the abundant marine life that characterizes the Maldives. The capital itself, with its colorful buildings and bustling port, gradually fades on the horizon. In no time, you’ll find yourself out at sea, relaxing and enjoying this challenging and exhilarating sailing voyage across the Indian Ocean with the experienced crew.

The sailing voyage from the Maldives to Mauritius takes you through an expansive part of the Indian Ocean, passing by remote islands and island groups that you may encounter (from a far distance). For example, we mention North Malé Atoll with the artificial island Hulhumalé. And Baa Atoll and Hanifaru Bay, famous for the manta rays and whale sharks that can be seen here in season. There are a few other islands in the vicinity of the route: to the south of the Maldives lies the Chagos Archipelago, a remote archipelago known for its pristine nature and sea biodiversity. To the west of Mauritius is Madagascar, and not far from Mauritius is Réunion, which is known for its active volcanoes.

Wind Strength and Direction:
From November to April, the winds predominantly blow from the northeast. The wind strength is generally moderate to strong.

Diverse Marine Life:
The Indian Ocean is one of the most biodiverse seas in the world. You will encounter coral reefs, tropical fish, various species of sharks, including reef sharks, whale sharks, and hammerhead sharks, dolphins, whales, sea turtles, and many seabirds such as albatrosses and terns.

Want to learn more about the destinations? Read on below!

On the way to…

Discover the magic of the Maldives and the charm of Malé

In the Indian Ocean, there are about 1,200 small islands and 16 atolls that together form the Maldives. It is a paradise archipelago that offers an unforgettable mix of luxury, nature, culture, and adventure, ensuring there is something special for everyone to experience.

The Maldives is famous for its stunning coral reefs. Popular diving spots include Banana Reef, Manta Point, and Fish Head. From the beach, you can even start snorkeling immediately to enjoy colorful fish, turtles, and sometimes even manta rays and whale sharks. There is also an abundance of water sports to experience, from kayaking and paddleboarding to jet skiing and windsurfing.

You may enjoy going on a boat trip to see dolphins in their natural habitat. Spinner dolphins are often seen and are known for their acrobatic leaps. Some resorts offer excursions where you can participate in feeding sharks and manta rays, providing a unique chance to see these majestic animals up close.
Do visit the capital of the Maldives, Malé, and check out the Grand Friday Mosque, the National Museum, and the local markets.

And there are the pristine white sandy beaches and swaying palm trees of course where you can relax in style!

The Maldives

Discover the capital of Mauritius: Port Louis

Port Louis, the capital and largest city of the country, is located on the west coast of Mauritius. The city offers a delightful mix of history, culture, culinary delights, and natural beauty. In addition to French influences, Port Louis also features British, African, Indian, and Chinese elements.

The Central Market is a vibrant marketplace where you can find a variety of local products, spices, crafts, and street food. Other attractions include the historic Citadel Fort Adelaide, which offers a stunning panoramic view of the city and the harbor. You might also like to visit the Caudan Waterfront, a lively area with shops, restaurants, casinos, and cinemas, located along the waterfront. Or explore the UNESCO World Heritage site Aapravasi Ghat, which serves as a reminder of the first arrival of indentured laborers from India in the 19th century who came to work on the sugar plantations.

The city also boasts a beautiful mosque, Jummah Masjid, which plays a significant role in the religious and cultural history of the city. You can check out the Natural History Museum and the Park Marie Reine de la Paix too. Be sure to stroll through the streets of Port Louis, where you can see colonial-era landmarks and feel transported back in time.

Mauritius offers much more beyond Port Louis. It is undoubtedly a place where you can enjoy a wonderful vacation.


Sailing & Adventure

Immerse yourself in the sailing experience by actively participating in crew activities.

You are invited to work alongside the crew during their watches. Whether assisting with navigation, learning the art of sail handling, or participating in other aspects of seamanship, this hands-on experience adds a unique dimension to your sailing adventure. What could be more beautiful than standing lookout with nothing but the sea around you? It’s a unique experience to feel small and insignificant in the overwhelming nature. Gaze into the waves, enjoy the vast ocean, and perhaps spot a few whales which are frequently seen in this area.

Besides sailing, there are plenty of other activities! We also recommend you to assist the crew, for instance, in maintenance, to truly experience life on board a sailing ship.

An impression of a day at sea

Blue watch
07:30 A delicious breakfast buffet is ready for you in the longroom
08:00 The blue watch is expected on deck
10:00 Active sailing and the crew teaches you all about the ship and its rigging
12:00 End of blue watch: enjoy the fresh lunch
14:00 Join in more sailing activities or catch a few hours of sleep
16:00 Relax with a book or get to know the other guests better
18:00 The dinner buffet is open
19:00 Daily briefing by the captain in the longroom
20:00 Start of the blue watch: witness a spectacular sunset on the open sea
00:00 End of the blue watch. Enjoy some social time in the longroom.
10 & 15 o’clock coffee break | 1200 to 1800: maintenance activities


The cabins

The 14 guest cabins are located on the tweendeck and all have a porthole and 2 or 3 single beds. Some cabins are equipped with double beds and, when available, can be booked by paying a surcharge. All of our cabins are equipped with a number of power outlets. These electrical sockets are of the standard Dutch (European) F-connector type and rated 230 V.

The cabins

Your cabin

All cabins are equipped with a private bathroom with sink, shower and toilet. The cabins contain lots of wood and copper work which gives the cabins a classic, authentic look. All cabins are similar in layout and have an area of about 11 m².

Your cabin

Practical Information

Friday January 3, 2025 at 17h00, in Malé, Maldives

Sunday January 19, 2025 at 10h00(am) in Port Louis, Mauritius

Price 3 person cabin € 2.970,- p.p.
Price 2 person cabin € 3.495,- p.p.
Price 1 person cabin € 5.242,50

There is a 50% discount for youth up to and including 25 years.
This discount is calculated based on the price for a shared 3-person cabin.

Are you interested in a cabin with a double bed?
The surcharge is € 250,- (depending on availability).

• Breakfast with coffee, tea and juices;
• Morning coffee;
• Lunch buffet with coffee, tea and juices;
• Afternoon coffee;
• Dinner buffet with coffee, tea and juices;
• Fresh fruit;
• Harbor and port dues.

• Flights and transfers;
• Additional drinks & snacks on board;
• Other personal expenses.

The guests and the crew will eat together in the longroom. Meals will be served in selfservice buffet style in two shifts (in accordance with the watch system).

Meals schedule:
07:30 and 08:00 breakfast
10:00 SmoKo (coffee break)
11:30 and 12:00 lunch
15:00 SmoKo (coffee break)
17:30 and 18:00 dinner

On adventurous sailing trips breakfast, lunch and dinner are included. Juices, coffee, tea and milk during these meals, 2 coffee breaks and fresh fruits are also free of charge. Any other refreshments like soda’s, alcoholic beverages, candy bars and other snacks will be put on your personal bar tab. Your bar tab for these extras can be settled at the end of the trip.

Bread, cold cuts, yoghurt, muesli, sweet spreads, eggs, juices, coffee, tea and milk.
Bread, cold cuts, sweet spreads, soup or a warm snack and a salad, juices, coffee, tea and milk.
We serve simple and nutritious dinners such as various kinds of pasta, Indian curries, fish and stews. All meals contain fresh vegetables.

The meals described may vary depending on the weather conditions & local provisions supplied.

All guests are obliged to have a valid* passport with them on board Clipper Stad Amsterdam. An Identity Card is not sufficient.

*Always inquire about the rules for the validity period of your passport for the country you are traveling to. In many countries, a passport is required to be valid for several months beyond the date of entry/departure.

It is crucial and your own responsibility to check and arrange visa requirements for the countries you are traveling to and traveling from.

The best way to determine if you need a visa to enter a specific country is by consulting the official website of the countries you plan to visit or by contacting the embassy or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There is a VSAT installation facilitating WIFI connectivity on board our ship. The shipping company offers 100 MB per person per day to send and/or receive data. The connection will be slower than what you are used to ashore. If you like you can buy extra MBs for internet use on board.
Depending on the ship’s course, the VSAT may not make a connection with the satellite. An internet connection is therefore not guaranteed.

Friends and family at home can always track the live location of the ship through our website.

When booking your trip, we request you to fill out a health declaration. If you provide any specific details here, the ship’s doctor may contact you to discuss your situation. Based on observations or strong suspicions of a very limited physical condition and associated risks, the ship’s doctor may advise the captain to exclude you as a passenger from the voyage. The final decision rests with the captain. The ship is equipped with a (small) hospital. Upon boarding, our ship’s doctor may ask you again to provide him with as much information as possible about your medication use and/or physical limitations, so that he can take this into account.

In addition to having good health, we also want to emphasize to our guests aged 75 and older the importance of having good muscle strength and balance.

Only if you are 75 years or older and can answer the following questions with a yes, there is a chance that you will be considered suitable to join the voyage. After registration, an additional health questionnaire will follow.

Can you stand well on one leg without losing your balance?
Can you perform a few deep knee bends?
Are you able to walk on a steeply inclined deck on a ship that is moving vigorously?
Is the muscle strength in your hands good: can you open a tin can by hand without any problems?
Given the above, our ship’s doctor will invite you for a video call (WhatsApp, Signal, Zoom, or any other mutually agreed platform) after registration for the trip. During this call, the doctor will assess your condition and may ask you to perform a few tests.

Doctor onboard
There is a doctor on board on multi-day sailing trips who can provide medication against seasickness. Your first point of contact on board for your medical inquiries, among other things, is the ship’s doctor.

During the welcome speech, the captain and the designated crew at their muster stations will brief you on safety aboard. Please be aware that the ship is in motion, which can cause items to fall, shift, and doors to close. It is advisable to secure your belongings, keep doors closed, and never hold onto a door frame.

Some countries require proof of vaccination for travellers wishing to enter or exit the country.
Travel requirements are updated often, so we recommend always checking the latest entry requirements before your trip.

We would like to remind you that you should always stay informed about and adhere to the travel advisories applicable to travel to and from the ship. These travels are your own responsibility.

For more information about flights and tickets, please visit

Please keep in mind that unfavorable weather conditions (e.g., lack or excess wind) may cause the captain to decide to sail on engine power, enter or exit a port earlier/later.

Maldives: Average daytime temperatures range from 28 to 30°C (82-86°F). January falls within the dry season, characterized by plenty of sunshine and minimal precipitation.

Mauritius: Average daytime temperatures range from 25 to 30°C (77-86°F). January is summer in Mauritius, which means warm weather with a chance of rain showers and sometimes cyclones.

Wind Strength and Direction:
In January, sailing from the Maldives to Mauritius falls under the northeast monsoon. The northeast monsoon typically begins in October and lasts until March, making this the period when winds predominantly come from the northeast, and sailing conditions are generally favorable. The winds are usually moderate to strong during this period.

Intensity (Ship Movement):
Level 4: Strong to severe movement causing significant swaying.

Clipper Stad Amsterdam is a member of SGR. Within the limits of the SGR-guarantee arrangement, the multi-day trips published on this internet site are covered by the SGR-guarantee. This legally required guarantee means that consumers are assured that their prepaid travel money will be refunded if the other party (the shipping company) due to financial insolvency cannot fulfill the agreed performance. The travel prices on the website include a contribution to SGR.

Travel Insurance
Taking out travel insurance is mandatory at all times on all our sailing trips. The mandatory travel insurance to be taken out by you must cover medical costs, accidents, and repatriation (article 13.9 of the general terms and conditions). When you take out your travel insurance please make sure that these costs are indeed covered.

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In addition to having a good physical condition, it is important that you have good muscle strength and a sense of balance. For our guests aged 75 and older, only if you can answer the following questions with a yes, there is a greater chance that you will be found suitable to sail. Can you stand well on one leg without losing your balance? Can you do a few deep squats? Are you able to walk across a sloping deck on a heavily moving ship? Is the muscle strength in your hands good? After registering for the trip, our ship’s doctor will invite you for a video call (WhatsApp, Signal, Zoom or another mutually agreed platform). During this conversation, the doctor will assess your condition and may ask you to perform a few tests.

Home > Upcoming Voyages > Maldives – Mauritius